Who We Are

E-VEN Project, registered both in Venezuela and the State of Florida, USA as E-ROQ, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

This organization was born after Rafael Martínez, our current President, spent one year as a general healthcare provider in Los Roques.

Doing so, he identified the lack of communication with foreigners as a local issue, since it made difficult their business, activities, and therefore, tourism expansion.

Because of this he contacted Aranza González, our current Vice-President, Isabel González, our current CEO, and Bettina González, our current Secretary/Treasurer,  to develop this project. 


We presented it on February 2019, at the Social Venture Challenge of Harvard National Model United Nations for the Resolution Project Inc.

After competing with around +60 socials projects from all around the world, we were granted the Resolution Project Fellowship, which means we receive guidance from both this organization, and their associates, on how to measure our impact, build our project, develop ourselves as local leaders, and much more. 


Magally Padrón became our CFO.

Due to her love for Los Roques, and her involvement in many other social projects, we contacted her to join us with us in order to make a bigger impact with our project.

We allied with the Department of English of Universidad Metropolitana.

To develop a demographically adapted syllabus for the children of Los Roques, which includes the transversal values of sustainable tourism, environmental conservation, and citizenship values. 

On June 2019, we recruited our first court of volunteer teachers, who completed a training process of 8 weeks on child psychology, children management, local culture, pedagogics, and charity building. 


By September 2019 we started our pilot project E-ROQ Classes in Los Roques.

To 60 children from 7 to 13 years old, divided in 4 sections by grade. Since then, we have traveled every weekend to teach them, provided homework, and even evaluated the first trimester advances in hand with the Linguistic Department of Universidad Metropolitana. 

We have been teaching English to children in Los Roques for 3 years now.

We adapted our classes and our operation as an organization to the new reality of the pandemic. We opened an adults section. And nowadays we are over 50 volunteers.

We are now in Canaima as well!

In 2022 we expanded our mission to the indigenous community of Canaima, in Bolívar. We teach 90 children and 30 adults.

Follow our journey.